Information about DisabilityCare is now available on a dedicated website. Members are encouraged to keep checking this site for new information which will be added regularly.
The application form to be a registered provider of supports is expected to be available on this website by the end of next week. Providers which have existing contracts with State Governments and some Commonwealth Programs who operate in the launch sites for DisabilityCare Australia will receive the application form electronically in the very near future.
People with disability can now also complete a questionnaire – My Access Checker – to help determine whether they are likely to be eligible for support from DisabilityCare. If the Access Checker indicates they are likely to be eligible, and if they live in a launch site and meet any age requirements it might have, they will be given a phone number to call.
Even if they do not meet the access requirements, but live in a launch site, DisabilityCare may be able to provide information about other supports that could be of benefit assist in referral to these.
Delando Corporation can help people with a disability with their DisabilityCare Plan, see our Day Programs for ideas on what we can offer or contact us for more information.