Footprint Books have hand-picked the bestselling Autism books from the recent APAC conference and are offering a 15% discount and free delivery for a limited time!
Offer applies for any of the books below and is valid until October 31, 2013, so be quick. Use to code word APAC to get your discount.
- The Asperkid’s (Secret) Book of Social Rules: The Handbook of Not-So-Obvious Social Guidelines for Tweens and Teens with Asperger Syndrome
- From Like to Love for Young People with Asperger’s Syndrome (Autism Spectrum Disorder): Learning How to Express and Enjoy Affection with Family and Friends
- Inside Asperger’s Looking Out
- Kevin Thinks:…about Outer Space, Confusing Expressions and the Perfectly Logical World of Asperger Syndrome
- A Practical Guide for Teachers of Students with an Autism Spectrum Disorder in Secondary Education
- CBT to Help Young People with Asperger’s Syndrome (Autism Spectrum Disorder) to Understand and Express Affection
- Meditation for Aspies: Everyday Techniques to Help People with Asperger Syndrome Take Control and Improve their Lives
- Motivate to Communicate!: 300 Games and Activities for Your Child with Autism
- The Panicosaurus: Managing Anxiety in Children Including Those with Asperger Syndrome
- Why Do I Have To? A Book for Children Who Find Themselves Frustrated by Everyday Rules