The latest DisabilityCare Australia eNewsletter has hit our inboxes, it contains the following Hunter Region update. The full eNewsletter is available here: http://us6.campaign-archive2.com/?u=055092cc7e42efbfc41d80045&id=087e796a68&e=537539a3c8
Regional update from the Hunter
After the excitement of the 1 July launch, our regional offices have quickly settled into scheduling appointments, working with people with disability to develop their individual plans, and providing information, advice and referrals—for participants in the scheme, their families and carers, and members of the general public.
Rob Watkins and Louise Hamilton share the role of Launch Manager in the Hunter office. They have both brought extensive experience to DisabilityCare Australia: Rob from the NSW State Department of Ageing, Disability and Home Care, and Louise from the Australian Government Department of Human Services. Together, they have created a team committed to providing outstanding service to participants, their families and carers in the Hunter. They have also worked on preparing the Hunter disability sector for a smooth transition to DisabilityCare Australia.
Together, Rob, Louise and the Hunter team opened the doors of the first DisabilityCare Australia site in New South Wales on 1 July 2013.
Rob and Louise have said that the time spent with participants working through their goals and establishing plans to achieve those goals is truly inspiring.
‘One example, provided by one of our planners, was her visit with a participant who is a grandmother with an intellectually disability who has been unable to visit her grandchildren due to transport limitations. Through DisabilityCare Australia, she will now have access to transport and can be reunited with her family.’
‘Another participant we are working with is hoping to get her wheelchair repaired so she can get out and about after months of being almost housebound, while others are keen to try some employment or maybe a training course.’
At DisabilityCare Australia, we hope to make positive change in the Hunter community by working alongside participants, their families and carers, providers and other members of the community.